Agabat Valley
Agabat Valley, which is sometimes called the “Beautiful Valley,” is a popular place for tourists to stay on their way to places like Bahariya, the White Desert, and the Black Desert in Egypt’s Western Desert area. Ashgabat can be found in Egypt, which is a part of the Western Desert.
The route, which takes about four hours and forty minutes to get to Cairo and more than six hours to get to Alexandria, will take you from the busy city to the quiet, sparse areas of the desert. Along the way, you will see beautiful sights. Agabat has no people living there because the land is so barren and the summers are so hot that it is hard to stay alive there.
What you’re likely to see:
Even though Agabat is a smaller valley and is often thought to be less beautiful than Bahariya, it is still quite beautiful in its own way. Some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world are in this area, and there are also a lot of white rock faces that look a lot like those in the White Desert. This area is also home to some very interesting yellow limestone cliffs and dunes that look a lot like those in the Sahara Desert. The slopes of these mountains are both taller and steeper than the slopes of the mountains on the path to Bahariya and Farafra, making it harder to climb them.
In the lowest part of the Agabat Valley, there was an old riverbed that had been put there by nature in a strange and unexpected place. From the lower level of the valley, water could be pumped up this waterway. This dried-up riverbed hasn’t been seen for a very long time.